Welcome on DMT-Vision.net ! Art from the other worlds.
I created this website to share my experiences with nnDMT.
You will find here some descriptions of entities that can be encountered with nn-dmt.
I try to be the most honest by simply depicting what I see. I hope you will enjoy my work and maybe find it useful in your own research. You can learn more about me and other projects here or visit my Instagram.
Prints on demand at dmtvision.art@gmail.com and NFTs here !Much love !
6 sec loop,2021.
I spent the last few days working on this video!
I think that the colors give a more realistic ambiance, closer from my experience.

As the account Instagram account was reaching 3k, I wanted to do something special !
A lot of people have been asking for colors (including the entities!), So I decided to give it a try.
This is my first colored drawing, and I’m very happy to share it with you !!!

This is the next peace from my new series !
Sorry, the story is not told in order, there is a scene happening just before this one but I’m working on it 🙂
Here is a short description :
” I arrived at the end of the corridor and I could finally feel a welcoming presence. I saw a giant robot, with tentacular arms, unfolding rapidly before my eyes. Despite his strange appearance I felt that I had nothing to fear.
From the enfolding body appeared a small silhouette. He or she was very tiny in comparison with the robot, of which it seemed to be in control. His skin (I will assume it was a male) was very white. He had a huge head with the face of a children. His body was thin and seemed weak.
He lifted his arm and a round screen appeared. On it I could see a sphere, like a planet. There were two rays of light falling down on it.
I didn’t understand what it means, but I had the feeling that is was an image from the deep past.”

This is the next peace from my new series !
Sorry, the story is not told in order, there is a scene happening just before this one but I’m working on it 🙂
Here is a short description :
” I arrived at the end of the corridor and I could finally feel a welcoming presence. I saw a giant robot, with tentacular arms, unfolding rapidly before my eyes. Despite his strange appearance I felt that I had nothing to fear.
From the enfolding body appeared a small silhouette. He or she was very tiny in comparison with the robot, of which it seemed to be in control. His skin (I will assume it was a male) was very white. He had a huge head with the face of a children. His body was thin and seemed weak.
He lifted his arm and a round screen appeared. On it I could see a sphere, like a planet. There were two rays of light falling down on it.
I didn’t understand what it means, but I had the feeling that is was an image from the deep past.”

Here is the first drawing from the new series I mentioned in my last post.
This time I just drew a particular scene that happens at the beginning of the trip.
Here is a short description of what we see in the drawing :
“I found myself flying in a beautiful desert landscape surrendered by strange bubbly clouds.
I looked behind me and I saw some kind of spaceship. I was close and couldn’t see the whole shape but it looked like a boat with a goose standing at the front of it.
At its commands were two figures with pointed faces, resembling men with the heads of goose.
I looked in front of me and could feel the scene accelerating. We were flying at high speed over (or maybe in) a tubular road. Around the road were spiralling blue and red ribbons.”
I almost totally made up the spaceship design in the drawing, but this is the closest I could get from memory (I remember the goose shape). I’m also not sure about the ground but I felt it was important for the scene.

Digital drawing, 12×150 cm, 2021.
I have been working on this project for a few weeks. I didn’t know where I was going when I started this. I just considered it as an exercise, allowing me to explore further some aspects of my experiences while perfecting some drawing techniques and getting familiar with the digital tools. But I got hooked in !
Something strange sometimes happens when you draw. The great late Moebius used to say :
“I create forms and ideas but I am not responsible for them. I only channel them… I put myself in a trance-like state in which something takes hold. That something may be from beyond consciousness, or the gods, or some genies or I don’t know what… Maybe extra-terrestrial beings! Anything is possible.”
This sentence stayed with me as I completely recognized what he was talking about. I too have experienced those trance-like states while drawing. It is a trip in itself, and this particular one lasted for about 150 hours !

Ink on a3 paper, 2021.
At the beginning of the vision, just on the other side, I encountered a giant purple entity with a triangular face that covered its entire body (I might draw it in the future). As his gaze and his triangular smile initially inspire me with a slight suspicion, I decide to go my way. But a part of this being remains in my field of vision.
I could distinguish scenes taking place behind it but it was impossible for me to take part. I asked the entity to leave, and since it was unresponsive I realized that it wanted to show me something. That’s when I let go and decided to finally watch him. Its shape instantly changed, arms and legs appearing from inside. He spun around and let me see a part of its geometrical body, which now took up my full field of vision. I found myself inside, in a room with purple walls. A gigantic, humanoid body of the same texture and color sat in the center and took up all the space. I couldn’t see its face but now felt welcomed.
Then another space opened to the side, and I saw three entities coming out of the wall (maybe more). Their bodies were merged into each other, like cut-out paper layers bathed in a luminous yellow haze. They had a human-like figure, and their faces were decorated with square, round and gear-shaped headdresses. They came over and stood facing me for several seconds. I watched in amazement at the magnificent changing shapes that made up their transparent bodies.
They seemed to rush to give me presents. Their hands reached out to me and in each was an extraordinary object, the usefulness of which I had no idea, but which I took with a warm thank you. As I tried to communicate and learn more, they made me understand that it was forbidden and they pointed out to me another entity that was flying over our heads and that seemed to have some sort of authority over them. It looked like an organic machine, with a gelatinous blue body and long arms with which it had come to collect the objects. All gave it to him and I had to return mine too, then they were gone.

Ink on a3 paper, 2021.
I felt bathed in sweetness. I was floating in a warm air. Everything around me had an orange color.
A familiar voice greeted me, saying, “So are you happy with your gift? “
I answered yes with a big smile (I will not give here the details of what was offered to me because too personal).
The female voice that spoke to me then appeared. It looked like a cube made up of glass balls lined up with each other. She tells me she was the “mother”. She was surrounded by other cubes, smoother and larger which gradually took on humanoid looks, with arms, legs. Their heads remained cubic.
She said to me: “Don’t be afraid because they are your brothers. They are all your brothers ”.
Tiered structures then appeared, populated by beings with triangular faces. They seemed to welcome me.
I heard “look! And I saw a sort of purple vortex open around it.
From his cubic body emerged new beings, which assembled before my eyes.

Ink on A4 paper, 2020
The vision was very clear. I saw this faceless man, dressed in a white and black suit. His skin was smooth, like he was wearing a tissue mask. He appeared hopping in a sort of large hallway and seemed to be waiting for me.
I tell him : “I know you! I’ve heard of you. What’s your name?”
He replied with a laugh that he had several names.
I had moved closer and now I was facing him. He made a kind of geometric screen appear in his hands and invited me to enter it. The aesthetic of the stage was all about the show and the movie theater.
Just before stepping into the screen I watched the faceless man’s feet and could make out several pairs of legs moving behind each other. At first I thought he was dancing but now I think there was not one but several faceless men, stacked on top of each other. I was sucked into the screen and the next scene inside was aimed at me. I saw a strange humanoid-looking character running in the distance, but with an extremely long neck and no face or expression either. I followed him and we came to a round table at which several of these beings were seated. I understood then that they were only puppets, kinds of straw men, virtual characters commanded by another intelligence, created for the sole purpose of teaching me a lesson.
I will not give the details of the lesson because they are too personal, but it was limpid and clear and of the type: “beware, if you do that, this is what will happen to you”.
A powerful presence was then felt behind my back. A huge being, who seemed to be covered in a deep black armor. He appeared to me as the “police” of the 4th dimension. He came to make sure that I had understood his message correctly and gave me certain rules to respect during my next trips. When the lesson was over he opened a large black door and invited me out.
I then found myself in a space filled with luminous cubes, from which emerged little green and red imps. They invited me into their light boxes (which frankly looked like hyperspace nightclubs). As I had the feeling of leaving the judge, I decided to stay good and quietly went my way. Familiar spirits greeted me wondering if all was well and if I had been punished or not, then the trip ended.
This experience left me humbled, with the strong feeling of having very little control. After some research I found testimonials on the internet that match my vision, including “the faceless goons” and “the straw men” described by NGC_2264 on dmtnexus.me. Although our experiences are very different, I have found some striking similarities.

Ink on a3 paper, 2020
At the beginning I saw a point of light. Then I heard a voice asking me to stare at that point. Arabesque lines then emerged from the point, to fill my whole vision.
“Do you see now?”
As I answered yes, the space unfolded, and I saw these lines unfold on the surface of a hemisphere. She spun around and on the other side appeared three figures, bathed in yellow light. Their symmetrical bodies seemed to be covered with some sort of armor. They introduced themselves to me, then disappeared, and others of the same type took their place, more numerous.
As I continued to stare at the circle of light they seemed to come out of, the space around grew larger and larger, and I saw where they came from. They inhabited another body, huge, cubic in appearance. The space around was filled with these white giants, entangled in each other, letting me see in their hands and their skulls, the beings who inhabit them.
To my left was another scene. A line of cosmonauts in jumpsuits seemed to be waiting in front of some sort of portal. I understood that they had not seen me and I decided to come forward. They turned around in astonishment and I thought I saw animal faces through the helmets.
I was then transported to another space. There were also kinds of giants here that seemed to support the ceiling, but their shape and color was different. The entire space was made up of small arranged cubes that seemed to smile. On the ceiling, a slit revealed the faces of the cubes, on which were inscribed the letters A, C, G and T.
While I was visiting this space, a multitude of beings approached me, some offering me mysterious objects. One of them particularly caught my attention. It looked like a bunch of grapes, each part of which was arranged in a line in a conical shape. I stayed a few seconds watching the shapes and symbols that appeared on her skin change. His presence was pleasant and reassuring.
As the trip drew to a close and other beings of various shapes continued to greet me, the words “chromosome 8” lit up in my head. After some research, I discovered that chromosome 8 was notably responsible for the genetic evolution which allowed the passage from great apes to modern humans due to its high rate of mutations.

Ink on A3 paper, 2020
This vision began with an interrogation. An entity I couldn’t see wondered if I was Christian. I replied that I wasn’t, that I respected the percepts and beliefs, but not the politically established form of religion. I then saw a circular shape appear in two dimensions, a kind of portal. I could distinguish animal forms inside. I went through and as the space seemed to unfold, I found myself facing the entity that was questioning me before. She had a feminine appearance, her skin was completely white, with a crystalline texture. Her face was blank and smooth, with no orifices, eyes or mouth. She had long white wings for her arms. She touched my forehead, and I felt myself slowly descend. The landscape then appeared little by little. A city, huge, with its streets, its monuments… Populated by a crowd of humanoid beings with animal heads. They were coming towards me to welcome me. I was part of that crowd for a short while before the vision faded. Therianthropic figs (half human, half animal) are omnipresent in shamanic cultures and in ancient religions.

Ink on a3 paper, 2020.
I wonder why the iconography of the gods of ancient Egypt is so abundant in the visions? I have read and listened to many trip reports mentioning this type of encounters, describing humans with animal heads, pyramids, etc… This vision came to me when I just come into contact with a couple of entities that I could not describe because I have no memory of their appearance. I still remember seeing them, but it’s as if this memory was evaporated just after. I got the feeling that they didn’t want to be seen (or drawn). It was at this moment that a fig appeared that I recognized as an Egyptian deity. I immediately found myself thrown into a crowd of mythological characters. I clearly distinguish some of them, and as they all seemed to be part of the Egyptian pantheon, I took the liberty of adding others in the drawing.

Ink on A3 paper, 2020.
With a light dose of dmt, it seems that we are entering a sort of buffer zone of the unconscious, in which are stored the images and thought accumulated over time. Our unconscious creates in this space new images, which come to life, which exist by themselves in a dimension of our thoughts. This is why most psychedelics require a certain psychological state to guarantee a good experience. Because everything that encumbers the unconscious is then revealed to consciousness. This drawing is inspired by a creature that I seemed to discern behind my own unconscious projections. A kind of Jinn (or Djin/genius), in constant transformation, and whose appearance changes according to my mental state.

Ink on A3 paper, 2020.
Under the influence of dmt our consciousness sometimes has difficulties recognizing and making sense of the visions. Our brain tries to interpret the shapes it receives and seeks to confirm the vision with the known reality. That is why visions are always interpretations. But how could it be otherwise?? So this is my brain’s interpretation of what I saw. I saw this skeleton man come towards me. He was wearing some sort of mask. His skin was transparent and I could see luminous veins running through his body. The body was constantly deforming. His neck stretched out and this head pressed against mine. I tried to look at his neck. The geometric shapes that composed it then unfolded to fill the entire space. After that he was gone.

Ink on a4 paper, 2020
I found this strange lady spirit flying around my neck. At first I could only see some white tentacles. I tried to look better and saw her face smiling. She looked like a white octopus with a human like head and upper body.

Ink on a3 paper, 2020.
I entered a room with hyperbolic walls filled with orange patterns. The walls unfolded and the space became more clear. It was a big spherical room with orange walls. My body was like a white soap bubble floating in the middle. In front of me was a “woman” welcoming me. The geometrical shapes that composed her body were moving independently for each other. I had a big smile on my face while saying “hello!” and I remember asking myself if she could see that or not ! A male character was standing on my right but I didn’t interact with him. There was a moment of silence. I looked around and I could see smiling faces on the walls, near some kind of portals. I heard a noise (like a crackle) coming from the woman and saw her arms moving and taking the shape of a staircase while a strange creature was flying by her. Then she called me by my name said that I came before but that I did not remember. She showed me the wall with the faces and portals and offered me to choose a reality. I was a bit scared ! At this moment I thought to myself “I don’t want to end up on an alien planet, they must have horrible food” so I said “just give me a nice one with my friends and family !” I then immediately opened my eyes and I was back here (or was I?;) After thinking about the experience, I came to the conclusion that this place was the same that I visited in “the creators” vision, just seen from a different angle.

Ink on a3 paper, 2020.
I had an intention in mind before going through this trip. I wanted to know about the Aliens 😉 I don’t really remember the beginning but I arrived at this platform like structure that looked like a giant stadium. The first thing I saw there was this being with a cubical head and body, with faces on each side of the head. I drew him in a futuristic way but it wasn’t really like that in my vision. He looked like a man in a shiny geometrical space suit, adorned by coloured figures. So I said to myself “great an alien! That’s what I wanted”, but just next to him were a few people that looked just like Egyptians gods, namely Horus and, I guess, Sekhmet. There was also a giant bald woman in the background. I looked up to what seems to be some kind of fractal stadium bleachers, and on each floor where these mechanical bird like creatures looking at me (I made up the others). On the very top was a woman with long hair, in a meditation posture, eyes closed. She was blowing shiny and sparkling particles in the air. I had a hard time trying to make sense of this vision. I learned that Horus was the god of the sky, and Sekhmet the protector of the Pharaohs, bearing them to the afterlife. So I’m not sure if I saw some aliens or the place of the afterlife :/ any idea??

Ink on A3 paper, 2020
This vision began with an infinite spiral of light, composed with geometrical shapes and faces. As I entered into an arm of the spiral I could hear a repeating sentence in my head :”all the visible universe”. I went deeper into the spiral’s arm, or maybe it was coming to me, like waves. Inside was a place filled with nothingness. I had this feeling of floating in the void. My mind was empty. After some time the spiral stopped, or I got out, and I found myself in front of a gigantic room, like a palace, with giant smiling faces on the walls. There was a man on his knees, like if he was praying. I saw some coloured lightnings in the sky followed by a huge train of fire coming down on me at high speed. I was a bit afraid. When it came closer I could see that it was made of an infinite number of bodies in crazy yoga postures. They were doing impossible stuff and melting into each other. The “train” kept flying around me, and I could see the postures changing.

Ink on a3 paper, 2020.
The vision begins with some kind of shiva’s emissary that I represented as a huge snake. He is telling me “lets me show you what I can offer !” and then basically giving me health advices like “if you meditate, do yoga and cultivate a healthy mind and body, you can climb up the Kundalini pillar and I’ll help you by devouring your dark thoughts.” He then showed me myself as a sleeping body explaining “you have multiple bodies, like layers, but you are awake in only one of them. The aim is to melt yourself into the other layers, and then you’ll be awaken. If you can do that, you can go there…” A gigantic room appeared, with a being that looked just like Shiva. He was welcoming and smiling. In front of him was a pool, and on the other side of the room, there was this giant well of light, going through the floor and ceiling. Inside it I could see some guys levitating. The voice said : “this is the well of felicity ! Once you’re awaken, you can stay there as long as you want !” The place was so nice and warm, like one could definitely chill there forever!

Ink on a3 paper, 2020.
This drawing is inspired by a psilocybin experience. I saw this head with multiple faces. His or her skin was made of illuminated wires or something similar. The body of this being was the entire room.

Ink on a4 paper, 2020.
I’ve seen God! They are actually two of them and they look just like a Kandinsky painting ! I arrived in this golden dome. They were two beings there. They didn’t really have a body, they just appeared to me as geometrical shapes like circles and triangles. There was a huge flower like object levitating in the centre of the dome, with an infinite number of petals, and in each one of them an entire universe. This was like a machine, like a world simulator. I was coming out of one of the petals. They were talking to me, saying things like “magic exist !”, And “Don’t worry it’s gonna be ok! We put you into the best reality”. They said they were the creators of many worlds. They invited me because I looked curious and they were willing to show me. They said I couldn’t go farther, that the next “level” was forbidden. They explained that there was a great number of universes going on at the same time, that they created them in order to cultivate something from it. It looked to me like they were farming the little ribbons emerging from the back of the flower. When I came back I was so grateful, like if I had been given a wonderful gift. I had the feeling that the meaning of life was to make that flower beautiful, by bringing new ideas to the world and cultivating compassion 🙂 Let’s make that flower bloom !!!

Ink on a4 paper, 2020.
This being appeared to me in some kind of temple. From a distance her body looked like bluish green glass, geometrical like a crystal, but when I came closer I could see that her “skin” was moving in waves, with little black dots coming from the inside through some types of screens. She said “come, come”. Her voice was clear and reassuring. She surrounded me with her body that became like a vessel, and she took me to see other places, including the Duat (described in another drawing).

Ink on a4 paper, 2020.
I first saw a rainbow snake with some platonic solid on his forehead. The solid got bigger and bigger and I found myself into it. It looked like a spaceship. I couldn’t see all around like if the space was too big. It was like each window was opening to a different world. There were three entities there. The first one from the right showed me this triangular structure that can be deployed saying “look, this is how time works”. Inside I could see another dimension that looked more like squares. He then showed me a dodecahedron, saying that this was the spirit realm. When I looked at it, a clown came out of one face and I heard ” don’t pay attention to it, focus or it will drag you into his world”. They said, if you can’t focus, then sing and it will go away”. That’s what I did, just singing a low “mmmmmm” and everything was clear again. There was another big square but I had no explanation for it. Another entities showed me more solids, folding and unfolding them, saying “look, when the top and the bottom are touching they are the same”, I said ok but I didn’t really understand. The last one on the left showed me a picture saying “you are here” and pointing at a section on the a kind of graph. The three of them then said they needed to speak to us, that they wanted the scientists to come and see them. They said that they hidden the door to they space everywhere in nature, that it was obvious, and that they were not very happy with humans behaviour but they wanted to help. After that they were all pointing at a window on the left saying “look !”. I thought it was a comet or something like that and I felt a great fear for a moment but they told me not to be afraid. After having this visions, my mind was filled with this idea that nature was intelligent and that it was trying to communicate with us.

Ink on a4 paper, 2020.
This is the underground land of violence and suffering. People’s heads are ripped off and they body put in the fire. It seems to be the passage for the souls after death. Not a pleasant place 🙂 Those worms were for me a representation of the pain, mental or physical, that lead to violence, on ourselves or on others.

Ink on a4 paper, 2020.
I was in this gigantic place, my body was like a crystal and there were others like me.

Ink on a4 paper, 2020.
The fungi spirit, master of many worlds This being appeared to me as the spirit of mushrooms. His body was made of geometrical boxes, with green snake like pipes everywhere. He told me he was the master of the world.

Ink on paper, a4, 2020.
Those may be the most beautiful beings I saw on dmt. They are entangled in an infinite web. They are floating on big gold and pink flower-like platforms. Their body is always changing and looks like shiny mechanical parts, with screens on them, from which sparkling waves are coming out. They speak with electric rings or balls that make a kind of high pitch noise.

Ink on paper, a4, 2020.
This being is like the guardian of the law on the other side. It guards the passage to forbidden places. It can open dimensions like if it was boxes, can see everything.

Ink on paper, a4, 2020.
Some hands from another space were opening my body. I heard a “crack” and I saw myself as being of light inside. Then I felt so light that nothing could see me nor touch me and object were passing through me. I was invisible 🙂